Random Acts of Stupidity of Marilyn & Wilma

The names have been changed to protect the guilty. Marilyn and Wilma are co-workers of The Dog and Cat. The Cast of Characters are explained in Post #2 (March 06).
In case you're wondering - we don't make this stuff up - nor do we exaggerate it. We would never come up with this on our own! We can't laugh out loud at work, so we use this as a way to laugh and vent some of the frustrations.
Do you also have to live/work with stupidity such as this? Leave a comment and let us know!

Thursday, March 08, 2007

The Wilma Update

The reason Wilma left was because she wanted to set her own work hours and her boss required her to work her regularly scheduled shift. Marilyn thinks that Wilma didn't trust Fred and wanted to be at home to watch him.

Wilma told several people that she didn't want to work. She wanted to stay at home and draw unemployment. If she got fired she could get welfare, too. {Too bad, she lost the unemployment hearing and wasn't fired so she can't get welfare!}

In the meantime, she and Fred have split up (again). Fred left her and took Bam-Bam's jar of coins (around $1,000). Fred is back on drugs and is working for JoeJack!!! {We made sure it was mentioned in front of Marilyn that drugs are involved. JoeJack has a history with drugs... we wonder if it's turning into a "present" with drugs.}

Wilma has met a guy online from Greece who is working in Africa. He calls her, but she won't call him because it costs $6/minute. {This screams con man to us!}

Monica found all of this out at the unemployment hearing.

Something we forgot to include in our Ode to Wilma poem..... Not too many days before she stormed out of here she told Dog that she had quit wearing make-up about a month prior. She wanted everyone to be embarrassed by her. We hadn't even noticed the change.

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