Defiant and Rebellious Marilyn
Last week Jessica told Marilyn that she had to have her cubicle cleaned up by Friday. She didn't make that deadline... and still hasn't made it. It's going to be a showdown when Jessica puts a write-up in Marilyn's personnel file. Dodo the CEO never held Marilyn accountable for anything - so she did as she pleased.
She is responsible for Accounts Payable and Safety. Less than 5% of the A/P checks have been filed since our fiscal year began on July 1. If you need to look something up - you have to go to her. There are stacks and stacks of paper on and under her desk.
Jessica thought the threat of being written up would be enough to get her to do it - but she's going to have to follow-up .... or things will continue as they are.
We'll let you know what happens.
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