Random Acts of Stupidity of Marilyn & Wilma

The names have been changed to protect the guilty. Marilyn and Wilma are co-workers of The Dog and Cat. The Cast of Characters are explained in Post #2 (March 06).
In case you're wondering - we don't make this stuff up - nor do we exaggerate it. We would never come up with this on our own! We can't laugh out loud at work, so we use this as a way to laugh and vent some of the frustrations.
Do you also have to live/work with stupidity such as this? Leave a comment and let us know!

Monday, August 07, 2006

Remembering the 70s

The CEO & I (Cat) wound up in a conversation about stand-up comedians. Wilma walked up to us and started talking about a band that was on America's Got Talent - or one of those shows. She said the main lyrics to their song was "we are a band."

Then she added, "That show reminds me of The Bong Show."

CEO & I, in unison: "The Bong Show???"

Wilma: "Yes, the one where they hit that thing."

Cat: "You mean 'The Gong Show'"

Wilma: "I thought it was 'The Bong Show'. That's the sound it made."

CEO: "You're just thinking about what you were doing when you were watching it."

Wilma: "I was only six."

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