Random Acts of Stupidity of Marilyn & Wilma

The names have been changed to protect the guilty. Marilyn and Wilma are co-workers of The Dog and Cat. The Cast of Characters are explained in Post #2 (March 06).
In case you're wondering - we don't make this stuff up - nor do we exaggerate it. We would never come up with this on our own! We can't laugh out loud at work, so we use this as a way to laugh and vent some of the frustrations.
Do you also have to live/work with stupidity such as this? Leave a comment and let us know!

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Mrs. C Chimes in on the Clinton Debacle

Mrs. C does not believe Hillary because she's known her for years. She knows for a fact that Hillary had an affair with Clinton while he was still married to previous wife. He must have been having relationships with Hillary and Monica at or near the same time.

She thinks Monica was being sneaky about talking to Clinton and believes Monica's version of events.

This somehow makes sense as Clinton came clean about his prior relationship with Monica and denies a current one that goes further than being just friends.

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