Prequel to the Motorcycle Saga
Why did Fred show up at the end of the motorcycle transaction the other day? ....... Wilma knows that Marilyn has a big mouth and that JoeJack and Fred sometimes work together. Things that Wilma tells in confidence to Marilyn gets to Fred via JoeJack on a regular basis. Even knowing this, Wilma just can't help telling Marilyn stuff.
Wilma told us that she told Marilyn that she was selling her motorcycle but gave the time as a couple hours later than the intended meeting time. She did this so that if Marilyn told JoeJack about it he would tell Fred the wrong time. Sure enough, Fred showed up, but at the end of the transaction!!
Sounds like there's a lot of pillow talk going on! Wilma never confronted Marilyn about this, she just had the satisfaction of knowing she pulled one over on Marilyn, JoeJack and Fred.
If you haven't read what happened at the sales transaction, see
Marilyn is typical of what I've seen. I've got a couple of married friends who can keep a secret pretty good ... except they don't consider telling their husbands the same as giving away your secret! I guess that's a good thing in a marriage ... but I don't talk to them as much anymore.
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