Random Acts of Stupidity of Marilyn & Wilma

The names have been changed to protect the guilty. Marilyn and Wilma are co-workers of The Dog and Cat. The Cast of Characters are explained in Post #2 (March 06).
In case you're wondering - we don't make this stuff up - nor do we exaggerate it. We would never come up with this on our own! We can't laugh out loud at work, so we use this as a way to laugh and vent some of the frustrations.
Do you also have to live/work with stupidity such as this? Leave a comment and let us know!

Wednesday, January 31, 2007

The Stork is Coming!

News started spreading today that Runaway Bride.... is back with her groom.... and expecting a baby!

She no longer works here, but her parents do. (Stormy is her mother.)

Last we had heard.... she had left her groom.... and left their 6 year old son with him....

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Tuesday, January 30, 2007

A Memory from Marilyn's Childhood

Marilyn recently shared with us a story from when she was about 3 or 4 years old... Why she shared it??? She doesn't need a reason to talk about herself!

She was at her GRANDMOTHER'S house.... needing to use the restroom.... and wouldn't.... her mother told her "potty on yourself".... she wouldn't.... she kept crying and refusing until her mother took her home so she could use her own.....

She has told us on many occasions how - when she was a teenager - "us girls would stop by my house to use the bathroom on our way to someplace else." Yes.... she says "us girls" quite frequently....


Monday, January 22, 2007

A Link to "Wilma's" Idol Appearance

A loyal reader sent us the link to the "blonde bombshell" video.... Thanks!



Thursday, January 18, 2007

Was Wilma on Idol Last Night?

While watching last night, we noticed a resemblance between Wilma and the contestant pictured below... Change the blonde hair to red.... and add a bra - which, thankfully, Wilma did wear.....

They sing the same song (Don't ya wish your girlfriend was hot like me) ... with the same dance.... and sound similar......

We'll search popular video sites - and if we ever find a video of this person's audition - we'll post a link, just in case you missed it..... (If you know of an existing video - please leave the link in the comments....)


Thursday, January 11, 2007

Ode to Wilma

We've been really busy this week writing this to say goodbye.... We don't claim to be professionals at poetry, so forgive us the flaws.... we did our best....

Ode to Wilma

Wilma decided to leave in a huff
We suppose this will give her more time to puff
Here, she would spend one hour per day
Filling her lungs, smoking her life away

In one program she changed all the passwords
Thinking it would bring payroll to a halt
She forgot that Dog & Cat can be nerds
And can sign in with the master default

We’re glad we’ve heard the last rooster crow
That was her special ringtone for Fred, you know
She said that she would have to be dead
Before she would ever re-marry Fred
But true love has prevailed
Soon she will be wearing a veil
We hope that “third times a charm”
And that they do each other no harm

Things are much quieter without all that serenading
No longer do we have to watch the dancing and parading
Songs asking “don’t you wish your girlfriend was hot like me?”
Acting like an exotic dancer - something she will never be
And no more tone deaf karaoke at the office party
Singing and vamping to gay guy who himself’s not a smarty
Telling him that you “love his pants around his feet”
Words from Nickelback’s “Figured You Out” – what a treat!

Nor any longer does the phone ring off the hook
Calls from her family asking what to cook
Absolutely no one at the office is missing her
Even Marilyn has tons of fun dissing her

She’s now filed for unemployment
Monica will fight it, much to our enjoyment
“Poor working conditions” is what she says in her claim
Do we all know how to say “Wilma’s con game”?
At home with Mom, Sis, Niece, Fred & Bam-Bam
Is where she wants to sit while she pulls off this scam
She wasn’t fired, her claim should be denied
Because we all know that Wilma has lied

Goodbye Wilma
Only our readers will miss you
Have a lovely


Friday, January 05, 2007

No More Wilma Posts???

When Wilma left this evening she said she wasn't coming back. Dog told her to think about it over the weekend and make sure that's what she wants. Although it would mean a lack of some material here... the department overall would benefit.

So after everyone left, Monica and I (Cat) figured out how to delete Wilma's security code from the alarm system. If she tries to come in over the weekend to collect her belongings, she will set off the alarm.....

We will update Monday with the current status - and if she tried to come in.....

Update.... Wilma did not call or return.... she did not try to come into the office over the weekend.... although secretly we were wishing she would try!


Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Another Management Meeting Worthy of a Lawsuit

In today's management meeting CEO asked about New Year's Eve... General consensus - it was quiet for most - very few even had anything to drink.

Monica spoke up that she had a little bit of champagne.

CEO asked her if she got any "nookie" with that.... To which she replied, "only if it was immaculate nookie."

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