Random Acts of Stupidity of Marilyn & Wilma

The names have been changed to protect the guilty. Marilyn and Wilma are co-workers of The Dog and Cat. The Cast of Characters are explained in Post #2 (March 06).
In case you're wondering - we don't make this stuff up - nor do we exaggerate it. We would never come up with this on our own! We can't laugh out loud at work, so we use this as a way to laugh and vent some of the frustrations.
Do you also have to live/work with stupidity such as this? Leave a comment and let us know!

Thursday, April 26, 2007

Don't Always Believe the TV Reporters!

There was a fire north of us this week that brought the big-city TV crews and choppers to town. One station doing a live update with a reporter in the news van via mobile phone on his way to the site while showing footage from the chopper.

We were watching and heard the reporter say he was coming from the south (he gave the incorrect Interstate he had taken, too!) and that he could see the smoke (lie, lie, lie). Then he said he was at a certain intersection and that an ambulance just passed him. That intersection was one block south of us and we could not see the smoke, so we knew he was not telling the truth! We watched him drive by telling his lies!

As a sidenote.... why, oh why, do the reporters interview the most stupid redneck people they can find when there's a big story???? I think that even in the middle of Beverly Hills.... they would find someone to fit that description to interview.....


Defiant and Rebellious Marilyn

Last week Jessica told Marilyn that she had to have her cubicle cleaned up by Friday. She didn't make that deadline... and still hasn't made it. It's going to be a showdown when Jessica puts a write-up in Marilyn's personnel file. Dodo the CEO never held Marilyn accountable for anything - so she did as she pleased.

She is responsible for Accounts Payable and Safety. Less than 5% of the A/P checks have been filed since our fiscal year began on July 1. If you need to look something up - you have to go to her. There are stacks and stacks of paper on and under her desk.

Jessica thought the threat of being written up would be enough to get her to do it - but she's going to have to follow-up .... or things will continue as they are.

We'll let you know what happens.

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Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Ebenezer Scrooge, CEO

Jessica and a co-worker are sharing the duties of interim CEO. Because of the unsafe condition of our building, Jessica is working in CEO's former office. The other co-worker works at another building, where all staff except our department has been moved.

While going through CEO's desk she came across a letter addressed to him from one of our state senators. In that letter he was thanking CEO for sharing his viewpoint of his OPPOSITION to increasing the federal minimun wage. It was addressed to him in his position here, so we're sure he wrote it as though he was doing it in an official capacity.

We wonder what the few who support him and are very unhappy now would think if they knew he had written that letter. Some of them will get a raise when the minimum wage is increased. Too bad we can't share that with them.


Monday, April 16, 2007

Why is This in Our Newspaper?

Johnny Hart's obit was in the local newspaper last week. Monica saw it and wondered aloud, "Why is his obituary in our newspaper? He didn't live here."

We explained to her that he was a well-known person - which is enough reason for them to carry it - but that he was also the creator of the B.C. comic strip, which the paper carried.


Hair Crunchie???

I (Cat) am on the board of a girls softball league. At last night's meeting we were discussing shed keys and that they are supposed to be in one of the concession stands on a key ring with an orange hair scrunchie.

One of the guys spoke up and said that the keys are missing because that orange crunchie thing is gone.

Since this is all about stupidity.... should I tell one on myself????? My brother roped me into the softball board thing ... I don't like sports.... but love my nieces.....

He told me that they needed someone to do the website. Thinking it was just a website, I said yes. Couple of days later I hear, "if you're going to do the website, they want you to be on the board." Thinking it's still only a website... I still agreed....

First board meeting... I find out my duties also include getting the book ready for print that lists all the board members, teams, rules, etc. OK, I guess I can handle that.... Then I read further, and I'm also responsible for ordering trophies. This is getting to be a bit more than I bargained for - so I told my brother that he has to help.....

At last month's meeting.... I find out that board members rotate through a schedule with two board members on duty every game day. You show up early to open everything, drag out equipment, and help get the fields ready. If there is or has been inclement weather, you decide whether to play. You make sure the concession stand is cleaned up, lock all the buildings and padlocks, count the money, drop it off at the bank. And... you clean the restrooms.

So... how stupid am I???? I don't even live in the league's township..... or have kids.... or like sports.... now I get to spend the next two summers at the ballpark..... instead of just showing up for the occasional game and taking pictures.....


Friday, April 13, 2007

What??? There's Voicemail on my Cell Phone???

Our director of marketing discovered this morning that he has voicemail on his cell phone.

He said that people kept telling his that his mailbox was full, but he thought they were talking about his office voicemail. He was inquiring about his office voicemail and was told that it's his cell phone voicemail box that's full.

He checked his messages.... said that they went all the way back to March of last year.... but that there was nothing important! Of course it's not important now, a year after the messages were left!


Monday, April 09, 2007

Cat Has Smart Brothers...

My brothers have heard me talk about Marilyn and how she forgets to brush her hair when she comes back from "lunch".

They came over from the big city where we live to change the locks on the commercial doors here (family discount!).... As they were getting ready to leave this building and follow Marilyn to our other building in town, one of them came to me asking if she is the one who comes back from "lunch" with messed up hair. I said, "yes."

He said, "I knew it" then turned to the other brother and said, "I was right. It's her."


Elvis Has Left the Building....

Well, not Elvis.... but CEO has!

No more of his stupid remarks and comments.....

Most people are happy. Monica and Squirrel - not so much.... Monica is no longer in HR - and has been moved from her office. Squirrel is afraid he might be next - with good reason.

So, we've been busy changing passwords, securing networks, rekeying locks and all that fun stuff. Most of that work is over, so we should be resuming our posts.

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