Random Acts of Stupidity of Marilyn & Wilma

The names have been changed to protect the guilty. Marilyn and Wilma are co-workers of The Dog and Cat. The Cast of Characters are explained in Post #2 (March 06).
In case you're wondering - we don't make this stuff up - nor do we exaggerate it. We would never come up with this on our own! We can't laugh out loud at work, so we use this as a way to laugh and vent some of the frustrations.
Do you also have to live/work with stupidity such as this? Leave a comment and let us know!

Thursday, May 17, 2007

New Fashion Trend

Marilyn is wearing a SHORT denim dress today .... and one of those open-weave-why-bother-wearing-it-because-there's-so-many-holes sweater/jacket .... that's longer than the dress....

Squirrel's New Truck

Squirrel is telling everyone about the new truck and how he really got a deal on it. He says that the dealer didn't make any money on it - because he sold it to us for the same amount that the bank would loan on it.... and showed him the value in the blue book.

They may have sold it at loan value ... but you can bet your last dollar they made money on the deal.... I worked for a GM/Jeep dealer years ago.... they don't make deals like that!


Wednesday, May 16, 2007

We Saw JoeJack's Temper Last Week

Marilyn came in one morning telling us that she had to go get JoeJack a new phone because his was broken. {and why can't he do it himself???}

She called the local business to have them get everything ready for her so she could just pick it up and go. She was told that it would be between $200 & $400 depending on which model she wanted.

"But I have a 2 year contract.", she tells them. They must have told her that having a contract is for service - and they don't provide a free phone/replacement.

She then tells them that they had insurance on the phone. The person looked at the records and told her that when they did the last insurance replacement they did not repurchase the insurance. She was upset because it was something she was supposed to be proactive about and it wasn't automatic - meaning it was her fault. So she kept throwing out the "2 year contract" and "nobody told me I had to repurchase insurance" hoping to change their mind - didn't work.

Just as she hung up the phone..... JoeJack walks in. She tells him it's going to cost $200-$400 and he hits the roof and starts blaming her. She knew what was getting ready to happen because as she was telling him, she started trying to guide him to the door.

They went out to the parking lot - we couldn't hear ... but we could see. He was animated .... moving his arms around and a couple of times pointing at her.

Do we feel sorry for her? NO..... It's her choice - and she does have a choice in the matter. Why does she put up with this? Who knows? Maybe it's because he's so much fun in their new hot tub. {yuk yuk yuk} It's sure not because of money. He lives in HER house (she makes sure never to say "our house".... it's always "my house").... She gets enough alimony from her ex-husband that she doesn't need his financial help. She (jokingly admittedly) uses him for construction jobs around the property - but we'd pay for that before we'd live with him!

We'd just kick his butt to the curb!

The ending of the phone saga .... apparently it had gotten wet .... (hot tub?) .... and the time it spent in Marilyn's vehicle.... dried it out, according to her.

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Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Marilyn's Take on How to Stay Skinny

Marilyn wants JoeJack to install a door with a full-length mirror on one side... and a drop-down ironing board on the other....

She thinks if you have a full-length mirror and look at yourself naked every day - that will keep your weight down.

Enough About You, Even Though You're Not Talking to Me

Mrc. C knew I was pulling my first day as Board Member on Duty for the softball league over the weekend, so we were talking about how it went. Of course, one of the coaches decided to dispute a call.... and I know NOTHING excepts the basics.... Luckily - two other board members were there to handle it..... One of the parents just looked at me... I said "I'm a geek, not a sportsperson."

My story was this short .... but before I could finish..... Marilyn rolls out of her cube and says, "I hope all the little girls have their own helmets. When my niece played 20 years ago, my sister didn't want to buy a helmet until she knew my niece wasn't going to quit and my niece got head lice."

We don't care what happened to your niece 2o years ago!!!


Thursday, May 10, 2007

Tears Over a Parking Space

Squirrel bought a new truck for his department this week - and yesterday he parked it in the spot where Marilyn usually parks while she was at lunch (we do NOT have assigned spaces). When she came back, she wanted to know who was here .... just us ....

"No, who's here? Someone is in MY spot."

Squirrel walked in about that time and told her that was his new department truck. She told him to move it over one spot - because she's parked in that spot for 18 years. He told her he was protecting his new truck.

At this point she was almost in tears, telling him that she would protect his truck - she would look at it every day when she backs in.

We're down to a skeleton crew in this building - there are about 40 more places to park ... but she HAS to have that one....

This morning .... she was in tears telling Mrs. C (who wasn't here yesterday afternoon) about it....

A few minutes ago - she told the guy who usually drives the truck to park it over one spot.... We all chimed in that her name's not on it.... The tears started again and she said she would park in our spots.... We told her we'd park in any free space ....

Crying .... over a stupid parking space.... and, no, it's not right in front of the door.....

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Wednesday, May 09, 2007

He Doesn't Call That Often

Mrs. C was telling Marilyn about someone who isn't allowed to use their cell phone at work - or make/receive personal phone calls during work hours. Mrs. C told Marilyn that we don't realize how lucky we have it.

Marilyn said, "If they tell me I can't use my cell phone at work they will have to give me $40 or $50 a month so I can talk to JoeJack on his cell phone on the office phone during my breaks. He doesn't call that much, just when he takes a break. At 10:00, 2:00, and during lunch. And if he's not working and calls too much, I tell him to quit calling. I told him that once."

So.... if JoeJack only calls 3 times a day.... and we hear her sickly sweet "Hi Honey" 15 times day.... who is she talking to the other 12 times???

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Marilyn (she's our Safety person) ordered a ladder to be destroyed. This is the ladder from which a co-worker fell - see previous post. Then she asked why the person was on a ladder washing windows.... why didn't they use a "wedgie" .... or a "weegie"

I asked her if she meant "squeegee".....

It would be hard to use a wedgie to wash windows..... maybe she meant she wanted to give someone a wedgie.....


Right, but not Right

As we've mentioned before, we have some people with disabilities who work with us. Yesterday, one person with some minor mental challenges fell off a ladder as he was washing windows. Marilyn, reporting this to our Worker's Comp agent, said "he's right, but he's not right."


Did He Have Sanjaya on His Mind?

Dog & I decided to go grab a bite to eat yesterday evening. As the host was leading us to the table, he told us that the "san-ja-rias" were each $1 off.

Thursday, May 03, 2007

Did She Grab Any?

Marilyn was on the phone trying to find out the amount of someone's bail. She said she was "grasping" for air when she found out the number was $90,000.


Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Let Me Tell You About...

Marilyn was on the phone today with someone from our workers' comp insurance company regarding an employee who was hurt on the job. In the middle of relaying the employee's information, Marilyn begins to tell a story of the time she had leg surgery.

She ended the call with her usual "have a lovely"....


Tuesday, May 01, 2007

We Hope Buell's Rabies Shot Is Up-to-Date!

Marilyn called in sick yesterday. She told us that she was lying down and Buell (her dog) was on top of her. She wanted him to get up, but he wouldn't.... so she bit him..... THREE times.....

Dare we open the forum for comments????? Keep them to a PG-13 level.... please.....

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