Happy 50th Marilyn!
Today is Marilyn's 50th birthday.... MG and I (Cat) decorated her cube while she was at lunch.....
MG replaced her chair with a wheelchair....
MG drew a picture of a hill..... and at a point over the hill .... put an "x" with "you are here".....
I made a few copies of "Caution: Over the Hill" (black on yellow), taped them together to make a banner, and put it across her opening.....
Then MG & I put stretch wrap back and forth across the opening..... We wanted to fill it with styrofoam peanuts..... but decided not to because of the mess....
JoeJack called - she told him about it.... and how we used "Saran wrap" over her doorway.... she was a little giddy about it.... which tells us that she liked it..... but would never admit to us....
I read about a good prank to pull with her computer - but didn't have time to do it.... Do a print screen and paste it into "paint" (or other bmp program).... save the file then set it as the desktop.... then put all of the desktop icons into a folder..... when the person starts clicking.... nothing happens! Will let you know when I have time to pull it off.....