Dodo Leads the Board on a Tour
CEO (the dodo bird) led our board of directors on a tour of this building yesterday. He doesn't realize that it was just another nail in the coffin, so to speak. They took pictures of our outside wall that's starting to cave in (but according to CEO, that wall is fine), a support in one room is moving and has cracked the drywall (again, CEO says it's fine), and many other things that are wrong in everyone's eyes but his.
Some tidbits from the tour:
The president of the board arrived. Marilyn asked her to sign in and started telling her it was for safety in case there was an emergency. Before she could say it, CEO pipes in... "it's so we can identify the charred bodies if the building burns."
Another board member comes in carrying a camera. CEO looks at him and says without cracking a smile, "no cameras allowed." The board member had a confused look on his face. CEO told him he could take any pictures he wanted. Board member said it was so the board could have a record.
Same board member mentioned that he had just bought 8 gb of memory cards for his trip to China. CEO asks, "are you picking up a baby?"
After the board members left Monica asked how he thought it went. He replied, "do you have any marijuana?"
Remarks like this.... to the Board of Directors.... His friend on the board - who is a prior CEO here - didn't come for the tour... not sure how CEO functioned.... with the 2 of them sharing a brain....