Random Acts of Stupidity of Marilyn & Wilma

The names have been changed to protect the guilty. Marilyn and Wilma are co-workers of The Dog and Cat. The Cast of Characters are explained in Post #2 (March 06).
In case you're wondering - we don't make this stuff up - nor do we exaggerate it. We would never come up with this on our own! We can't laugh out loud at work, so we use this as a way to laugh and vent some of the frustrations.
Do you also have to live/work with stupidity such as this? Leave a comment and let us know!

Thursday, July 27, 2006

New Products on the Market???

Marilyn's newest discovery is her "Club Cadet" mower. She's had it in the shop for warranty repairs, so we've heard all the phone calls. It has to be hard for them to keep a straight face on the other end of the call as she repeatedly says "Club Cadet" instead of "Cub Cadet".

There have been some unhappy moments with her mower. Somehow when JoeJack took it in, they switched the owner to him instead of her, leaving the extended warranty in her name. She had that fixed quickly!!! JoeJack doesn't own that mower, she does!

Wilma's newest discovery is "Vidillia Onions" - are these Vidalia Onions crossed with a dill pickle? The onion rings in my lunch order were huge (too huge), when she saw them she said, "those look like those vidillia onions."

So.... next time you "visitate" your local store - you can check for these items. If you happen to find them, let us know!

Visitate - Monica was feeling lonely in her office since the CEO hadn't been in his adjoining office, so she was going to go visitate with another department. (No.... she doesn't speak Italian....)

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Wednesday, July 26, 2006


If we hear one more sigh from Marilyn we're going to have to go outside and scream! She will sit and her desk and just sigh.... probably hoping we will ask what's wrong - but we aren't taking the bait!

She's still complaining about her foot. "My foot hurts more today and I didn't do anything last night." blah-blah-blah. sigh-sigh-sigh.

The orthopedic doctor told her that it wasn't broken, to start wearing tennis shoes and putting weight on it. She's still hobbling around in her sock, but she has ditched the crutches.


Can I Bum a Cigarette?

Mrs. C had a bad morning with her mother (hallucination side effects) and just came back to work. She put her purse on her desk while she was telling us about her morning.

The CEO walks backs, looks in the purse, and digs out the cigarettes!!! The pack wasn't open so he put them back. She told him he could open them - so he reached back and pulled them back out of her purse.

It takes nerve to walk up to a woman's desk and reach into her purse for something - even if it is open! She should have slapped his hand....

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Thursday, July 20, 2006

Foiled by the Janitor

We were ready to complete another challenge today and America's Next Top Model had the easiest segue . Just as we made the topic switch the janitor, who is not a happy camper today, walked into the department. We could tell Marilyn was getting ready to take off with the subject but the janitor interrupted and started spewing comments about some events that have taken place today.

(Maybe my Tivo will "randomly" record it next week. It records other shows that I'm clueless as to why it thinks I will want to watch them. --Cat)

For challenge background go to: http://random-acts-of-stupidity.blogspot.com/2006/06/help-us-test-me-me-me-syndrome.html.

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Marilyn's Trick Fish

Marilyn was complaining that she had to run home at lunch to let "pup-dog" out because it's such a waste of time. Wilma suggested that she just put him out in the morning before she left for work. Marilyn said that wouldn't work because he would get mad and tear up their "pretties" that they have outside.

She then went on to say that they have a new fish in their goldfish pond. It's a black fish and Buell is always trying to catch it. She has to watch him very carefully when she lets him outside at lunchtime.

She then told us about two of the fish that she used to have in her pond. She said these fish would jump out of the water and do tricks so the birds probably ate them while they were doing their tricks.

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Another IM Exchange....

Some background info:
Wilma bought a new laptop a few weeks ago. She would bring in ads and we would discuss how that computer fit her needs. On several occasions before and since we covered the topic of a CD-RW/DVD-ROM vs a CD/DVD burner.

Her camera is a low resolution camera built into her camcorder and her main concern is saving those pictures to a disc to take to Wally World to have them printed. Yes, I know she could take the videos from her camcorder and put them on DVD, but then I would have to be the person helping her shop for hardware and then trying to teach her how to transfer/edit/burn - I'm too backed up on my own A/V projects to go there!


wilma says:
hey, in order to put my pictures on a disc wouldn't i need a dvd burner? I have a cd burner...

cat says:
you only need a dvd burner if you are going to buy dvd blanks...

cat says:
your cd burner will burn cd's

wilma says:
ok i just thought pics would be considered a dvd...that's why i'm not a computer pro

cat says:
with the size of your picture files - you could fit thousands on a cd

wilma says:
i don't know, that was my next question, can i do a few pictures at a time and put them all on one cd?

cat says:
you can.... to do that - it's best to buy CD-RW - those are rewritables

wilms says:
ok, i have some from about 5 years ago, but they've never been opened. what's the name of the device i need?

cat says:
if you're talking about my little silver device - it's called a card reader

wilma says:
ok i think i'll buy one....


Tuesday, July 18, 2006

An IM Exchange...

MG has been welding this morning and came to Marilyn to get burn spray from the first aid kit (she is on our safety team and likes to think she's an expert in medical care).

We heard the spray and wondered what Marilyn could be spraying this time, then realized it wasn't Lysol. As soon as MG left the department, Marilyn immediately initiated this IM exchange with Dog:

marilyn says:
what is he welding

dog says:
who knows

dog says:
didn't know he knew how

marilyn says:
JoeJack just plumbed a whole house and didn't need a torch for anything and he also had to remove old plumbing

dog says:
you should go investigate

We went from MG welding & needing first aid to JoeJack plumbing a house in 2 seconds flat!!

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Wilma Adds a Color to the Rainbow....

Mrs. C was preparing an office supply order so she asked Wilma if we needed any color toner for the printer. Wilma replies "We have magneta and yellow."

Magneta.... we wonder what that color looks like.... maybe a charcoal gray???


Monday, July 17, 2006

How Does She Know?

Today Wilma commented that she forgot to bring her chapstick and she had just bought it this weekend. I (Cat) asked her if she bought the Chicken Poop lip balm (www.ilovechickenpoop.com). She said "no, I bought Strawberry. I prefer fruity flavors to ones that taste like medicine."

So.... has she tasted chicken poop to know that it tastes like medicine??? She told us today that over the weekend there was bird poop on the door handle of her van and she stuck her fingers in it.... we hope she didn't taste it, but even we don't think she's THAT stupid!

side note - Chicken Poop lip balm is actually very good and that's not an ingredient :) ..... There's a story behind the name which you can read on their website. Just follow the link...

Update - sorry.... I know html coding - but didn't go back and check this one. It's fixed and the links should open in a new window. --Cat


What is the Topic of This Meeting?

We had a committee meeting this morning about a corporate event. Marilyn goes off-topic to bring up her foot and tells us she has an appointment with an orthopedic doctor.

Of course she has an appointment with a doctor. She would see one at least once a week if she had her way. Firemen - she'd love to see them everyday. She even made an opportunity to bring up the fact that she knows the firemen in town.


New Brand of Razor?

Marilyn came to my desk Friday afternoon, sat down, looked at her legs and said, "I'm going to WalMart to buy a new razor. I like those Schlick (making sure to enunciate the "L") razors. It's been a long time since I bought one. It's hard to find those replacements for it." Then she got up and walked away.

Now.... why did I need to know that? And why does she think I care?

(Thanks to Dog and the others in the department leaving early Friday I was left here alone with her....Next time....I'm leaving early, too, and leaving Marilyn here with her best friend - herself!)


Friday, July 14, 2006

It Must Be Rye Toast Day

I (The Cat) was invited to join the event planning committee of a sizeable non-profit in a nearby city. I decided to accept since we are starting to plan some corporate events and we could benefit from knowledge gained.

This morning as I was telling Marilyn about previous types of events we had discussed at the meeting this week and how they could apply to us, she blurts out, "I want some more rye toast. I had rye toast for breakfast this morning and hadn't had any for months. I want more rye toast. I love rye toast."

I found out later from The Dog that Marilyn had been talking about that all morning. This afternoon I played the song "Toast" for her from Heywood Banks. You can find it here.


But I Don't Want to Talk About Barbaro

This morning The Dog & Mrs. C were discussing Barbaro's current condition. Marilyn repeatedly tried to interject herself into the conversaton and turn it to her sprained foot!

(Barbaro - the race horse - in case you live outside the US)

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Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Buell's Bandana

While she was on the subject of the dawg this morning Marilyn told us that JoeJack's mom had bought Buell a "Harley Davis" bandana.

"Harley Davis"..... Is this a new hip designer for doggy wear???

(It wasn't a slip of the tongue, she said it twice!)

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Don't You Dare Scar My Dog!!!

Marilyn dropped Buell off at the vet office yesterday evening to get a couple of spots checked. The vet called this morning to tell Marilyn that they had removed three (small) masses - the original 2 plus 1 they found on his face.

Marilyn called JoeJack to tell him and all he could say was "They better not scar my dog." (Or would that be dawg? Buell is a boxer so he's a big dawg.)

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Hop-Along Marilyn

Marilyn is going to be on crutches for a week or two. She's been amusing herself by telling everyone she sees what happened to her.

She was taking the trash out and fell UP her steps and sprained her foot. If she was on her way to take the trash out she should have been going down the steps, so how did she fall up them???

JoeJack told her that she's never to take the trash out again. She says she will take it out whenever she wants.

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Friday, July 07, 2006

If the Act of Stealing is Known as Theft...

...then those who perpetrate theft, according to a co-worker from another department, are "thefters"....


Where's the Energizer Bunny When You Need Him?

I (Cat) freelance in graphic design. I received an e-mail from a client yesterday evening asking me to call ASAP. I did, but it was faster than he expected since I was at work.

I could tell there was something going on in the background when I called. He said their smoke alarm was going off and they didn't know how to change it so they called the fire department. The alarm wasn't going off as in "there's a fire." The alarm was beeping as in "change the battery."

He, his wife, and two teenage sons.... together they could not figure out how to change a smoke alarm battery! I suppose if you run a successful business you don't need to know such things.....


Score One for Wilma!

Limburger gave Wilma a memo to put in with the paychecks for his staff this week. This morning he asked if she had put one in his check. She told him "No, you typed it. I figured you knew what was in it."

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Thursday, July 06, 2006

Monica Should Go Back to Grammar School

Monica walked in our department today wanting to know if we would miss the old-fashioned paper cutter if she took it to her office for awhile. She said the scanner doesn't like papers that are "hand-cutted".


Like Mother, Like Daughter

It must be genetic, Stormy's daughter leaned over Mrs. C's desk to look at an Avon book.... the sounds that erupted weren't as loud as her mother but we know what she has to look forward to as she gets older....



Monday, July 03, 2006

First Me-Me-Me Challenge for Marilyn

Marilyn pulled through the first challenge with flying colors! (http://random-acts-of-stupidity.blogspot.com/2006/06/help-us-test-me-me-me-syndrome.html)

We decided to use the death of Eddie, the dog from Frazier, so when there was a lull in the conversation we mentioned his passing. She took it from that to the fact that she doesn't have a satellite system.

Started at "I liked that show" then on to "I don't have a satellite system." She explained that she's not paying that much for satellite because they don't watch that much TV (didn't dare ask why.... she's voluntarily shared too many details in the past) and they live too far out for cable. Nothing else mentioned about Frazier or Eddie.

So... Poor Eddie dies.... and she doesn't have a satellite system.

She surprised us a little with that one... we thought she'd bring up Buell, their current dog, or maybe a dog that she had when she was a child.


Marilyn's Fingers Do the Walking for JoeJack

Marilyn spent at least an hour on the telephone this morning calling dentists for JoeJack getting pricing for three extractions and appointment availability. She would call JoeJack to give him the information after each call then ask if that particular dentist was OK.

He finally agreed to one so SHE called the dentist back to make the appointment for 2:00 today. She then announced that she's leaving at 12:30. This leaves us wondering....

Why can't JoeJack call the dentist to get the information?

After he agrees to one of them, why can't he call back to make the appointment?

Why does she have to leave at 12:30 when his appointment is at 2:00? Oh, wait, we think we may know that answer to that one. She probably has to go ease his pre-dental appointment jitters.... if you know what we mean.....

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